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Mr Teo Kim Wah, the founder of Kim Wah Heong, started off as a butcher in Farrer Road Hawker Centre. His years of experience as a butcher helps to sharpen his knowledge on the meat use to make Bak Kwa. In 1981, he started Kim Wah Heong in the same food centre and the Bak Kwa was prepared using the traditional charcoal grilled. Even when his competitor started to switch to electric grill which is easier to prepare and less work is needed, he insisted in the use of charcoal to grill Bak Kwa. He believed that the charcoal grilled Bak Kwa when prepared using the freshest ingredients will produce the best Bak Kwa with unrivalled taste.

The authentic smoky, off the fire taste of grilled Bak Kwa is strongest with the original heat source using charocal. In fact, use of electric grills for cooking Bak Kwa add virtually nothing to the taste. The charocal grilled Bak Kwa had more distinct smoke flavor and it help to retain the authenic flavor and juiciness in the meat.


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